quinoa is a seed that belongs to the amaranth family and originates in bolivia and peru. although the color of quinoa seeds only ranges from beige to brown and dark red, the crops of this plant shine in a vibrant red, pink, orange or green. quinoa quickly spread through the Inca territory and was discovered by the spanish. however it took a while before traders were able to transport the plants to europe as the humid sea temperature killed the plants many times before they arrived.
1 cup of cooked quinoa contains about 220 calories. most of it comes from carbs but also a fair amount from protein and a slightly smaller amount from fat. a special property of quinoa is that it contains a complete protein profile. which means that it has all essential amino acids that are building blocks of protein. In plantbased food this is very rare but a great quality. quinoa is also gluten-free. vitamins and minerals in quinoa include manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, folate and zinc.
quinoa is gluten-free and has a low glycemic index which makes it suitable for people with a gluten intolerance and those who suffer from diabetes. the high antioxidant concentration in quinoa fights inflammation and improves skin and hair appearance. at the moment studies are done to show the positive effect of quinoa on cancer.
contrary to common believe, quinoa is very versatile and can be eaten cold as well as warm and sweet as well as savory. in sweet dishes it pairs well with sweetened plant milk, banana and cinnamon or berries. in savory dishes it goes with vegetable stock, spring onion and any kind of raw or cooked vegetables. it is also a good, healthy base for salads. to make sure quinoa doesn’t taste bitter, rinse it well before you cook it.
looking for more? just come by and visit our healthy restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and delicious quinoa bowls, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!