mushrooms 🍄
mushrooms or toadstools originate in the Northern regions of the planet as they prefer a slightly colder and wetter climate to grow in. mushrooms belong to the fungi family and were only introduced as a food staple by the 19th century. mushrooms have been around much longer but because some species are highly poisonous, they were long used as a natural fertilizer for other plants only. for the same reason mushrooms play a popular role in fairytales were witchcraft is involved.
mushrooms are very low in calories, fats and carbohydrates but contain a reasonable amount of protein. they also provide selenium, vitamin c and choline. they are also the only vegan food that contains natural, vegan vitamin d.
mushrooms are great for heart and blood health and improve immune functions. because all mushrooms are at least very slightly toxic (in a safe for consumption kind of way), they stimulate our immune system and keep it alert to detect intruders. In pregnant women mushrooms help keep the fetus healthy by providing folate. they are also great cell protectors that help prevent aging related diseases like cancer.
although mushrooms can be eaten raw in small amounts, it’s best to eat them at least stir fried or baked. mushrooms work great with dressings or marinades because they absorb a lot of flavor. In dishes they do well in risotto and pasta but a simple mushroom soup containing a variety of different mushrooms and some fresh herbs is a great way to eat them too, especially if the normal consistency isn’t for you.
looking for more? just come by and visit our vegan restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and delicious vegan bowls with mushrooms, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!