jalapeños 🌶️


jalapeño is spanish from “jalapa”, the capital city of veracruz in mexico where pepper was traditionally cultivated. the word is derived from the word “xālli” which stands for ‘sand’ and “āpan” which stands for water place. the aztecs were the first people in the world to cultivate jalapeños, selling them as chipotles, smoked jalapeños, as well as fresh chillies. 

as jalapeños love the sun, they need a lot of direct sunlight in order to grow. on medium-sized bushes the jalapeños will hang by pairs and take up to 90 days to grow. jalapeños are technically fruits and belong to the same family as bell peppers and cayenne pepper but has a completely different taste. their flavor is strong and hot and considered spicy. though they are extremely healthy, a sensitive digestive system is not always up to eating them. 


jalapeños are low in calories, delivering only 18 per serving of 45 grams. they contain 4 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 1 gram of fibre and almost no fat. they also contain vitamin a, b6 and c, folate and manganese.


jalapeños are natural pain relievers due to their high amount of capsaicin which blocks pain receptors in the area where it is applied. capsaicin is also a great metabolism booster and could even assist in the process of losing weight. it further helps to fight infections as compounds that are found in spicy peppers slow down the growth rate of bacteria and yeasts. vitamin c, the beauty-vitamin keeps the skin healthy and firm.


jalapeños should be introduced into your diet slowly and carefully, especially if you did not grow up eating spicy foods. some ways to do it is by adding them to raw salads, use chili oil, pickle them or mix them with other ingredients in stir frys, one pots, or baked goods. also try removing the seeds of the plant as this reduces the amount of heat they give off even more.

looking for more? just come by and visit our restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and spicy bowls with jalapenos, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!

Maritza Kolenbrander: Food Coach at Plantifulplan

In 2016 heb ik mijn studie afgesloten met het masterdiploma in Coaching, Psychology of Change en Gezondheidspyschologie als onderdelen van de studie Sociale Psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hierbij heb ik mij gespecialiseerd in de psychologische aspecten van gedrag en verandering.

Als hoofdtrainer ben ik in het bezit van twee trainersdiploma’s van de AALO en begeleid ik sinds een aantal jaar mensen met sporten en een gezonde voeding. Naast personal training, duo-training en small group training heb ik ook ervaring met grote groepen en teambuilding trainingen.

Mijn kennis over voeding betrek ik uit wetenschappelijke bronnen en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Wanneer ik advies geef, is dit gebaseerd op de voedingsrichtlijnen van erkende gezondheidsinstanties en altijd wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Je zult echter merken dat ik je bij deze vorm van voedingscoaching meestal helemaal niet specifiek vertel wat je moet eten maar dat ik samen met jou ga kijken waar jij je het beste bij voelt.


mushrooms 🍄


green olives 🫒