råbowls blog
why are so many turning plantbased?
more and more people are considering a plant-based diet. but what is it and why are people so excited about it? find out more..!
are peanuts a nutty fraud?
peanuts, groundnuts, goobers, or monkey nuts are actually legumes. while real nuts grow on trees, peanuts grow in pods that mature underground; just like the legumes lentils, and peas that grow beneath the surface. other nut frauds include cashews, walnuts, pistachios, and almonds.
why eating salad is not boring.
many of us know that a salad a day is what really keeps the doctor away. still, sticking to a plate of plants for your lunch has a bad image: salad is boring, especially when you eat it every day. and we have to agree with you on this one. having what most people see as the “typical salad” is boring. find out more!
is eating carbs bad for me?
wow! quite a statement there in the title of this article! however, just opening a magazine or health website on the internet kind of suggests that eating carbs is unhealthy. what is true about this? today we will answer the question what carbs are, how they function in the body and whether it is a bad idea to eat them or not.