
broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the mustard family. it originated in the eastern mediterranean and asia and was supposedly introduced to england by the Italians in the 1700s. broccoli plants need a lot of sun to grow, at least six hours a day, on top of a fertile, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. it then grows as the flower to a plant with many longer leaves that can also be eaten.


broccoli contains almost 90% water and is therefore very low in calories. it further contains about 31 calories per cup, 2.5 grams of protein, which is quite a lot for a vegetable, 6 grams of carbs, 2.4 grams of fibre, 1.5 grams of sugar and almost no fat. in terms of micronutrients broccoli is a true powerhouse that contains Vitamin c and c, folate, potassium, manganese and iron.


the benefits of broccoli include raising a shield of protection against different diseases ranging from cancer, heart disease and alzheimer. its high antioxidant content protects the skin against sun and age-related damage and its anti-inflammatory properties protect against diabetes, arthritis and bowel disease. vitamin c and k in broccoli promote immune, blood and bone health, whilst folate is important for pregnant women and is needed for normal tissue growth and cell function. potassium helps with the regulation of blood pressure whilst iron helps transport oxygen in red blood cells. 


broccoli is sometimes eaten raw but can be quite heavy on the bowel, it is therefore recommended to eat it slightly steamed, sauteed or baked to preserve as many of the nutrients as possible (by cooking in water, a part of the nutrients gets lost in the cooking water). broccoli can be added to salads, on pizzas, to quiches, soups or as a side dish, eaten on its own. it pairs well with almost anything but particularly corn, carrot, potato, cheese and soy products.

looking for more? just come by and visit our vegan restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and delicious vegan bowls, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!

Maritza Kolenbrander: Food Coach at Plantifulplan

In 2016 heb ik mijn studie afgesloten met het masterdiploma in Coaching, Psychology of Change en Gezondheidspyschologie als onderdelen van de studie Sociale Psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hierbij heb ik mij gespecialiseerd in de psychologische aspecten van gedrag en verandering.

Als hoofdtrainer ben ik in het bezit van twee trainersdiploma’s van de AALO en begeleid ik sinds een aantal jaar mensen met sporten en een gezonde voeding. Naast personal training, duo-training en small group training heb ik ook ervaring met grote groepen en teambuilding trainingen.

Mijn kennis over voeding betrek ik uit wetenschappelijke bronnen en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Wanneer ik advies geef, is dit gebaseerd op de voedingsrichtlijnen van erkende gezondheidsinstanties en altijd wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Je zult echter merken dat ik je bij deze vorm van voedingscoaching meestal helemaal niet specifiek vertel wat je moet eten maar dat ik samen met jou ga kijken waar jij je het beste bij voelt.


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