
like many soy-based foods tofu originated in china. the legend goes that is was discovered by accident 2000 years ago when a chinese cook curdled soy milk by adding seaweed. its original name was ‘okabe’ and only became known as ‘tofu’ by the 15th century. nowadays tofu is made from soybeans that are ground in water and coagulated with minerals like calcium and magnesium salt. the curds are then pressed into a block and sold as tofu. different varieties exist ranging from silken tofu which has a very soft structure and falls apart easily (which makes it great to blend through food or use in soups like Miso) to extra-firm tofu which can be used on its own or as a part of a meat-substitute product. tofu has become popular for its great health benefits and high amount of protein for those who choose to eat a more plantbased diet.


tofu is great plantbased source of protein. just 100 grams contain 8 grams of protein. it further contains about 1.5 grams of carbohydrates and only 3.5 grams of fat. it is also high in calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and Vitamin b1.


tofu has taken part in many research studies and has been linked to breast cancer prevention in women and prostate cancer prevention in men, a lower cholesterol, a reduction of blood sugar levels and bone loss in elderly people, and decreased symptoms of menopause in women. the vitamins and minerals found in edamame provide healthy blood, bones and the connective properties between cells.


tofu is the plantbased substitution for meat and can be used as such. it can be marinated, cooked, baked, grilled and fried. it can be paired with rice, noodles and potatoes and all kinds of vegetables. it can also form the base for manufactured meat substitutes which are a great way for frequent meat eaters to get used to vegetarian meals. 

looking for more? just come by and visit our vegan restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and delicious tofu bowls, salads and juices for pickup and delivery! Our chef recommend the tasty teriyaki tofu!

Maritza Kolenbrander: Food Coach at Plantifulplan

In 2016 heb ik mijn studie afgesloten met het masterdiploma in Coaching, Psychology of Change en Gezondheidspyschologie als onderdelen van de studie Sociale Psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hierbij heb ik mij gespecialiseerd in de psychologische aspecten van gedrag en verandering.

Als hoofdtrainer ben ik in het bezit van twee trainersdiploma’s van de AALO en begeleid ik sinds een aantal jaar mensen met sporten en een gezonde voeding. Naast personal training, duo-training en small group training heb ik ook ervaring met grote groepen en teambuilding trainingen.

Mijn kennis over voeding betrek ik uit wetenschappelijke bronnen en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Wanneer ik advies geef, is dit gebaseerd op de voedingsrichtlijnen van erkende gezondheidsinstanties en altijd wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Je zult echter merken dat ik je bij deze vorm van voedingscoaching meestal helemaal niet specifiek vertel wat je moet eten maar dat ik samen met jou ga kijken waar jij je het beste bij voelt.


pumpkin seeds 🎃


avocado 🥑