sunflower seeds 🌻
sunflower seeds are derived from the sunflower. this wild flower is native to north america and new mexico where indian americans first domesticated the plant about 3000 years bc. into a single-headed plant with a variety of seed colors including black, white, red and the very common one: black and white striped. Sunflower seeds were used in different ways. In history it was often made into flour for cakes, mush or bread or mixed with vegetables such as beans, squash and corn. it was also cracked and eaten as a snack, pretty much the same as they are eaten today. only later sunflower seeds were also used to press into oil. sunflowers also have a history of non-food uses including being used for dye for textiles, body paint or decorations as well as being used medicinally or in ceremonies.
per serving size of 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds contain about 170 calories, 13 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fibre. they are also high in a variety of vitamins and minerals including vitamin e, b3 and b6, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc and folate.
sunflower seeds have a variety of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. copper is important for blood cells and helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels and nerves. b vitamins are often called beauty vitamins as they help strengthen hair and nails and a healthy skin as they promote the growth of new healthy cells and prevent infections.
sunflower seeds have a soft flavor and bite which means they are less crunchy than other types of seeds like for example chia or sesame seeds. this makes them great to add to food to enhance other flavors. they are therefore very popular to use on bread and other baked goods. But of course they can also be added to vegetables or as an additional source of healthy fats to salads. try using them for homemade muesli or energy bars and you will have a great, tasty snack.
looking for more? just come by and visit our vegan restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, healthy, and delicious sunflower seeds bowls, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!