
sesame belongs to the plant species of sesamum which is native to sub-saharan africa. however it is believed that this plant was first cultivated in asia and india 5500 years ago. this makes the sesame plant one of the oldest plants cultivated for oil. while the oil is still used around the world for cooking and medicinal purposes, sesame seeds have become of more versatile use and are often used in salads, to garnish a meal or sprinkle on baked goods. sesame grows on plants in pods that contain about 80 seeds. When the fruit dries, the pods naturally begin to open and the seeds can be shaken out.


one serving (28 grams) of sesame seeds contain about 160 calories, 14 grams of fat, 7 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fibre. they further contain 22% of the daily recommended intake of calcium as well as 23% of the iron, 24% of the magnesium and 18% of the recommended zinc intake for the day.


sesame seeds are true powerhouses that have been linked to lowered cholesterol, lowered blood pressure, healthy bones, reduced inflammation, blood cell formation, blood sugar control, a healthy immune system and thyroid health. there strong positive influence on the thyroid makes them beneficial for anyone suffering from hormonal imbalances, women during menopause or to aid the pain during menstruation. they are also rich in antioxidants which helps to fight free radicals and oxidative stress in the body and prevent premature aging. 


sesame seeds can be eaten on their own, roasted, in the form of oil, tahini (sesame paste) or as one of the main ingredients of hummus (chickpea spread). on their own, they add a nice soft-nutty flavor to anything you pair them with. great combinations are with mie noodles, avocado, cucumber, sweet potato, bread or roasted vegetables. although often associated with savory types of meals, sesame seeds also work with sweet dishes and can be added to the dressing of a fruit salad or to oatmeal. in asia sesame seeds are often used in desserts like ice cream, mochi balls or to coat sweet buns.

looking for more? just come by and visit our healthy restaurants in the city centre of groningen and hamburg. we offer fresh, vegan, and delicious sesame bowls, salads and juices for pickup and delivery!

Maritza Kolenbrander: Food Coach at Plantifulplan

In 2016 heb ik mijn studie afgesloten met het masterdiploma in Coaching, Psychology of Change en Gezondheidspyschologie als onderdelen van de studie Sociale Psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hierbij heb ik mij gespecialiseerd in de psychologische aspecten van gedrag en verandering.

Als hoofdtrainer ben ik in het bezit van twee trainersdiploma’s van de AALO en begeleid ik sinds een aantal jaar mensen met sporten en een gezonde voeding. Naast personal training, duo-training en small group training heb ik ook ervaring met grote groepen en teambuilding trainingen.

Mijn kennis over voeding betrek ik uit wetenschappelijke bronnen en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Wanneer ik advies geef, is dit gebaseerd op de voedingsrichtlijnen van erkende gezondheidsinstanties en altijd wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Je zult echter merken dat ik je bij deze vorm van voedingscoaching meestal helemaal niet specifiek vertel wat je moet eten maar dat ik samen met jou ga kijken waar jij je het beste bij voelt.


coriander 🌿


peanuts 🥜